For Developers

Canvas Kit v8 Upgrade Guide

This guide contains an overview of the changes in Canvas Kit v8. Please reach out if you have any questions.


Please use our codemod package to automatically update your code to work with most of the breaking changes in v8.

> npx @workday/canvas-kit-codemod v8 [path]

Alternatively, if you're unable to run the codemod successfully using npx, you can install the codemod package as a dev dependency, run it with yarn, and then remove the package after you're finished.

> yarn add @workday/canvas-kit-codemod --dev
> yarn canvas-kit-codemod v8 [path]
> yarn remove @workday/canvas-kit-codemod

The codemod only works on .js, .jsx, .ts, and .tsx files. You'll need to manually edit other file types (.json, .mdx, .md, etc.). You may need to run your linter after executing the codemod, as its resulting formatting (spacing, quotes, etc.) may not match your project conventions.

The codemod will handle most but not all of the breaking changes in v8. Breaking changes handled by the codemod are marked with 🤖 in the Upgrade Guide.

Please verify all changes made by the codemod. As a safety precaution, we recommend committing the changes from the codemod as a single isolated commit (separate from other changes) so you can roll back more easily if necessary.

General Updates

IE11 No Longer Supported

Starting with v8, Canvas Kit will no longer support IE11.

We've removed all IE11-specific code including polyfills. Applications built using Canvas Kit v8 and above will no longer run in IE11 and will fail to bootstrap with an error and/or a white screen.

Do not upgrade to v8 if your application needs to support IE11.

React 18 Upgrade

We've upgraded Canvas Kit to React 18. This change will not impact users who are already on v7 and are looking to upgrade to v8 as v8 will support the same React versions as v7 (React 16.14 and 17.X) while still giving them the ability to upgrade to React 18 as needed. Although we didn't use any new features from React 18 in v8, future updates to Canvas Kit may require upgrading to React 18 to support them.

React 18 introduces several new features, but the most impactful change is the new concurrent render API. The new createRoot method replaces render and gives you access to the improvements in React 18 including the concurrent features. Without it, React behaves as it did in previous versions.

See our React 18 discussion for more information.

Removal of Default Exports

We've removed all remaining default exports from our packages to maintain consistency with our newer (and recently updated) components and systems which favor named exports. The following components have been updated to provide named exports instead of default exports (in cases where the component provided both default and named exports, the default export has been removed).

Main (canvas-kit-react)

  • AccentIcon
  • AppletIcon
  • Avatar
  • Breadcrumbs (formerly in Preview)
  • Canvas
  • Checkbox
  • CountBadge
  • FormField
  • Graphic
  • Icon
  • LoadingDots
  • Radio
  • SegmentedControl
  • Select
  • SidePanel
  • StatusIndicator
  • Switch
  • Svg
  • SystemIcon
  • SystemIconCircle
  • Table
  • TextArea
  • TextInput
  • Toast
  • Tooltip

Labs (canvas-kit-labs-react)

  • Combobox
  • Drawer

Preview (canvas-kit-preview-react)

  • ColorPicker
  • Menu
  • Select
  • SidePanel

Fonts (canvas-kit-react-fonts)

  • fonts

🤖 The codemod will rewrite your default imports to named imports.

Reorganized Style Props

We've reorganized some style props and refactored the implementation, but the functionality remains the same. This improves the style prop documentation and allows us to extend style props further in the future. We've moved the background and backgroundImage style props from the color style prop function to a new background style prop function.

These functions are only intended to be used by Canvas Kit internally. However, if you're importing the color style prop function to apply these two style props, you'll need to update your import statements to import the background style prop function as well.

We recommend using Box and style props directly instead of these style prop functions to reduce the cost of upgrading in the future.

// v7
import {color} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react/layout';
const Example = styled('div')(
boxSizing: 'border-box',
// v8
import {background, color} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react/layout';
const Example = styled('div')(
boxSizing: 'border-box',

Responsive Styles

We've added a set of responsive utilities to facilitate container-based and viewport-based responsive styling:

  • useResponsiveContainerStyles: A hook that allows developers to create container-based responsive styles using style objects.
import {Flex, Box} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react/layout';
import {useResizeObserver, useResponsiveContainerStyles} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react/common';
const ref = React.useRef(null);
const [width, setWidth] = React.useState(0);
ref: ref,
onResize: data => {
setWidth(data.width || 0);
const containerResponsiveStyles = useResponsiveContainerStyles(
flex: {
flexDirection: 'column',
padding: 'm',
depth: 1,
borderRadius: 'l',
zero: {
backgroundColor: 'Red',
s: {
backgroundColor: 'Orange',
m: {
backgroundColor: 'Yellow',
l: {
backgroundColor: 'Green',
xl: {
backgroundColor: 'Blue',
box: {
padding: 's',
return (
<Box ref={ref}>
<Flex {...containerResponsiveStyles.flex}>
<Box {}>Hello World</Box>


We've added a new @workday/canvas-kit-react/testing slash import to house our testing utilities and components. You may find them useful for testing the different visual states of your components.

View the Testing documentation for more information. The example below creates a visual states table of our DeleteButton. Each row renders a different size of DeleteButton with each column representing different combinations of the disabled, hover, and active states.

import {
} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react/testing';
import {PartialEmotionCanvasTheme} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react/common';
import {DeleteButton} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react/button';
// Creates a columns for different states of a button
export const stateTableColumnProps = [
{label: 'Default ', props: {className: '', disabled: false}},
{label: 'Default Disabled', props: {className: '', disabled: true}},
{label: 'Hover ', props: {className: 'hover', disabled: false}},
{label: 'Hover Disabled', props: {className: 'hover', disabled: true}},
{label: 'Focus ', props: {className: 'focus', disabled: false}},
{label: 'Focus Hover ', props: {className: 'focus hover', disabled: false}},
{label: 'Active ', props: {className: 'active', disabled: false}},
{label: 'Active Hover ', props: {className: 'active hover', disabled: false}},
export const Basic = (props: {theme?: PartialEmotionCanvasTheme}) => (
<StaticStates theme={props.theme}>
// creates rows with values that get passed to the button
size: [
{value: 'small', label: 'Small'},
{value: 'medium', label: 'Medium'},
{value: 'large', label: 'Large'},
{props => <DeleteButton {...props}>Test</DeleteButton>}

For users who are currently using our testing utilities and components, the following code-moddable changes have been made:

  • ComponentStatesTable, permutateProps, StaticStates and propTypes have been moved to @workday/canvas-kit-react/testing.
  • StaticStates and convertToStaticStates have been moved from @workday/canvas-kit-react/common to @workday/canvas-kit-react/testing

🤖 The codemod will handle all of the changes above for you automatically.

Utility Deprecations

The following utility functions are being deprecated and will be removed in a later version of Canvas Kit.

  • Types:
    • Model
    • ToModelConfig
  • Functions:
    • createEventMap
    • useEventMap

All these utility types and functions have been replaced by createModelHook. Typescript 4.1 introduced Template Literal Types, so event maps are no longer needed. createModelHook infers all types based on the input of the function.

New Components


We've introduced a new Grid component to the Main package. Grid is a low-level layout component that provides a common, ergonomic API for building two-dimensional layouts (rows and columns) with CSS Grid.


We've introduced a group of Text components to the Main package: Text, LabelText, Title, Heading, BodyText, and Subtext. Together they provide a common, ergonomic API for rendering text with built-in support for our Canvas type tokens.

// v7
<h2 css={{...type.levels.title.medium}}>Medium Title Text</h2>
<p css={{...type.levels.body.medium}}>Medium body text</p>
<p css={{...type.levels.subtext.small}}>Small subtext text</p>
// v8
<Title as="h2" size="medium">Medium Title Text</Title>
<BodyText size="medium">Medium body text</BodyText>
<Subtext size="small">Small subtext text</Subtext>

Segmented Control (Preview)

We've added a new version of SegmentedControl which has been redesigned as a compound component to the Preview package. SegmentedControl represents a linear group of multiple buttons allowing the selection of a specific value and is best used for switching between different views of the same content.

The SegmentedControl in Preview has the following major differences compared to the SegmentedControl in Main:

  • Visually redesigned to better align with the Canvas Design System
  • Uses title casing (e.g., "In Progress") instead of full caps ("IN PROGRESS")
  • Supports a text-only variation
  • Includes built-in support for tooltips to improve accessibility of the icon-only variation
// SegmentedControl (Main)
import {SegmentedControl} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react/segmented-control';
import {listViewIcon, deviceTabletIcon} from '@workday/canvas-system-icons-web';
<SegmentedControl value={value} onChange={handleToggle}>
<SegmentedControl.Button icon={listViewIcon} value="list-view" aria-label="List View" />
<SegmentedControl.Button icon={deviceTabletIcon} value="device-view" aria-label="Device View" />
// SegmentedControl (Preview)
import {SegmentedControl} from '@workday/canvas-kit-preview-react/segmented-control';
import {listViewIcon, deviceTabletIcon} from '@workday/canvas-system-icons-web';
<SegmentedControl.List aria-label="View type">
tooltipProps={{title: 'List view'}}
tooltipProps={{title: 'Device view'}}

You may still use SegmentedControl in the Main package, but note that it will be replaced by SegmentedControl in the Preview package in the future.

Status Indicator (Preview)

We've added a new version of StatusIndicator which has been redesigned as a compound component to the Preview package. StatusIndicator is best used for helping the user quickly identify the status of a task, action, or page element.

// StatusIndicator (Main)
import {StatusIndicator} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react/status-indicator';
import {uploadCloudIcon} from '@workday/canvas-system-icons-web';
// StatusIndicator (Preview)
import {StatusIndicator} from '@workday/canvas-kit-preview-react/status-indicator';
import {uploadCloudIcon} from '@workday/canvas-system-icons-web';
<StatusIndicator emphasis="low" variant="green">
<StatusIndicator.Icon icon={uploadCloudIcon} />

You may still use StatusIndicator in the Main package, but note that it will be replaced by StatusIndicator in the Preview package in the future.

Component Deprecations

Deprecation Types

Soft Deprecation

A soft-deprecated component is still available with its full functionality, but it will have been renamed with a prefix to indicate its soft-deprecated status. It will also include a console warning announcing its deprecation. This warning will only be triggered on the component's initial render.

Soft-deprecated types and utilities will also have been renamed but generally will not trigger a console warning.

Hard Deprecation

A hard-deprecated component or package is no longer available. You will need to follow the method prescribed in our Upgrade Guide to update your application. Please reach out to our team directly if you need additional help.


We've soft-deprecated Drawer and renamed the following items:

  • Drawer to DeprecatedDrawer
  • DrawerProps to DeprecatedDrawerProps
  • DrawerHeader to DeprecatedDrawerHeader
  • DrawerHeaderProps to DeprecatedDrawerHeaderProps
// v7
import {Drawer, DrawerHeader} from '@workday/canvas-kit-labs-react/drawer';
onClose={() => console.log('onClose callback')}
title="Deprecated Drawer Header"
// v8
import {DeprecatedDrawer, DeprecatedDrawerHeader} from '@workday/canvas-kit-labs-react/drawer';
onClose={() => console.log('onClose callback')}
title="Deprecated Drawer Header"

🤖 The codemod will rename Drawer, DrawerProps, DrawerHeader and DrawerHeaderProps to their deprecated names.

You may continue to use this component, but please note that we plan to hard-deprecate it in v9. Consider using the Side Panel in the Preview package instead.

We've soft-deprecated the Menu in Preview and renamed the following items:

  • Menu to DeprecatedMenu
  • MenuProps to DeprecatedMenuProps
  • MenuState to DeprecatedMenuState
  • MenuItem to DeprecatedMenuItem
  • MenuItemProps to DeprecatedMenuItemProps
// v7
import {Menu, MenuItem, MenuProps, MenuItemProps} from '@workday/canvas-kit-preview-react/menu';
interface AnotherMenuProps extends MenuProps {
specialProp?: boolean;
type CustomMenuItemProps = MenuItemProps;
const CustomMenu = () => {
return (
<MenuItem>First Item</MenuItem>
// v8
import {
} from '@workday/canvas-kit-preview-react/menu';
interface AnotherMenuProps extends DeprecatedMenuProps {
specialProp?: boolean;
type CustomMenuItemProps = DeprecatedMenuItemProps;
const CustomMenu = () => {
return (
<DeprecatedMenuItem>First Item</DeprecatedMenuItem>

🤖 The codemod will rename Menu, MenuProps, MenuState, MenuItem and MenuItemProps to their deprecated names.

You may continue to use this component, but please note that we plan to hard-deprecate it in v9. Consider using the Menu in the Main package instead.

Layout and Column

We've soft-deprecated Layout and Column and renamed the following items:

  • Layout to DeprecatedLayout
  • LayoutProps to DeprecatedLayoutProps
  • Column to DeprecatedColumn
  • ColumnProps to DeprecatedColumnProps
// v7
import {Layout, Column} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react/layout';
<Layout gutter={0}>
<Layout.Column spacing={0}>
<Card />
// v8
import {DeprecatedLayout, DeprecatedColumn} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react/layout';
<DeprecatedLayout gutter={0}>
<DeprecatedLayout.Column spacing={0}>
<Card />

🤖 The codemod will rename Layout, LayoutProps, Column and ColumnProps to their deprecated names.

You may continue to use these components, but please note that we plan to hard-deprecate them in v9. Consider using the newly-released Grid component instead.

Component Updates

Action Bar

ActionBar.List with overflow behavior now requires to pass a overflow button component as a value of overflowButton prop, the same way we did for Tabs and Breadcrumbs components. In Canvas Kit v7 the component for overflow button was placed directly inside ActionBar.List without passing any prop. We found limitation of this approach because it was not possible to modify an overflow button or pass any prop into it. To remove this limitation, ActionBar.OverflowButton inside ActionBar.List is replaced with an overflowButton prop.

// v7, an overflow button is inside ActionBar.List
<ActionBar.List position="relative">{/* items */}</ActionBar.List>
// inside ActionBar.List
<ActionBar.OverflowButton /> // OverflowButton is a hard-coded component
// v8, an overflow button should be passed as a prop
overflowButton={<ActionBar.OverflowButton aria-label="More actions" />}
{/* items */}
// inside ActionBar.List
{overflowButton} // overflowButton prop is a passed component


Box now supports the following props to set font and text styles: fontFamily, fontSize, fontStyle, fontWeight, lineHeight, letterSpacing, textAlign, textDecoration, textTransform, textShadow, whiteSpace, and wordBreak.

// v7
const StyledBox = styled(Box)({
fontFamily: 'monospace',
<StyledBox />
// v8
<Box fontFamily="monospace" fontSize={16} fontWeight="medium" />

Breadcrumbs has been promoted to the Main package. It now uses the list system from our Collection API which provides new overflow behavior based on container width.

The following code-moddable changes have been made to the Breadcrumbs API (see below for additional changes requiring manual work):

  • Breadcrumbs has been promoted from Preview (@workday/canvas-kit-preview-react) to Main (@workday/canvas-kit-react).
  • Breadcrumbs.Nav has been replaced with Breadcrumbs. Any aria-label previously applied to Breadcrumbs.Nav should now be applied to Breadcrumbs.
  • Breadcrumbs.CollapsibleList has been renamed to Breadcrumbs.List.
  • Breadcrumbs.ListItem has been renamed to Breadcrumbs.Item.

🤖 The codemod will handle all of the changes above for you automatically.

// v7
<Breadcrumbs.Nav aria-label="Breadcrumbs">
<Breadcrumbs.Link href="/">Home</Breadcrumbs.Link>
<Breadcrumbs.Link href="/menus">Menus</Breadcrumbs.Link>
// v8
<Breadcrumbs aria-label="Breadcrumbs">
<Breadcrumbs.Link href="/">Home</Breadcrumbs.Link>
<Breadcrumbs.Link href="/menus">Menus</Breadcrumbs.Link>

Additionally, there are a handful of changes to the Breadcrumbs API which will require manual updates on your part:

  • Changes to Redirects
  • Updated Overflow Behavior

We've outlined these changes in more detail below.

Changes to Redirects

We've removed onAction from Breadcrumbs.Item and Breadcrumbs.Link. Breadcrumbs.Link now defaults to redirecting with an href, which means the page will hard-redirect when the link is clicked.

If you're in a single-page application (SPA) environment, you may want to use the internal SPA router instead. You can override the hard-redirect with a custom onClick handler that blocks the default behavior of the event and passes the link path along to your SPA router. Most of our consumers use react-router-dom for managing SPA routing; here are examples of how to use onClick with v5 and v6 of react-router-dom.

// React Router DOM v5 API
import {useHistory} from 'react-router-dom';
import {Breadcrumbs} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react/breadcrumbs';
const history = useHistory();
const handleClick = (event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLAnchorElement, MouseEvent>, link?: string) => {
// if no link is provided, default to the current path
history.push(link || window.location.pathname);
return (
<Breadcrumbs.Link href="/account" onClick={handleClick}>
// React Router DOM v6 API
import {useNavigate} from 'react-router-dom';
import {Breadcrumbs} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react/breadcrumbs';
const navigate = useNavigate();
const handleClick = (event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLAnchorElement, MouseEvent>, link?: string) => {
// if no link is provided, default to the current path
navigate(link || window.location.pathname);
return (
<Breadcrumbs.Link href="/account" onClick={handleClick}>

Updated Overflow Behavior

We've removed the component-specific overflow functionality from Breadcrumbs now that it uses the overflow behavior provided by the Collection API. In order to enable the new overflow behavior, you'll need to use the dynamic API by passing an array of items to Breadcrumbs (rather than passing the items as statically defined children via JSX). The items can be passed to Breadcrumbs via its items prop or via an items key within a provided model.

Here's an example of how to convert a v7 instance of overflow Breadcrumbs using the static API to the v8 equivalent using the dynamic API with the items prop.

// v7
import {Breadcrumbs} from '@workday/canvas-kit-preview-react/breadcrumbs';
export const OldCollapsibleList = () => {
return (
<Breadcrumbs.Nav aria-label="Breadcrumbs">
<Breadcrumbs.CollapsibleList buttonAriaLabel="More links" maxWidth={300}>
<Breadcrumbs.Link href="/">Home</Breadcrumbs.Link>
<Breadcrumbs.Link href="/menus">Menus</Breadcrumbs.Link>
<Breadcrumbs.Link href="/lunch">Lunch</Breadcrumbs.Link>
<Breadcrumbs.Link href="/small-plates-and-appetizers">
Small Plates & Appetizers
<Breadcrumbs.CurrentItem>Focaccia Genovese</Breadcrumbs.CurrentItem>
// v8
const NewOverflowList = () => {
const [items] = React.useState([
{id: '1', text: 'Home', link: '/'},
{id: '2', text: 'Menus', link: '/menus'},
{id: '3', text: 'Lunch', link: '/lunch'},
{id: '4', text: 'Small Plates & Appetizers', link: '/small-plates-and-appetizers'},
{id: '5', text: 'Focaccia Genovese'},
return (
<Breadcrumbs items={items} aria-label="Breadcrumbs">
<Breadcrumbs.List overflowButton={<Breadcrumbs.OverflowButton aria-label="More links" />}>
{item => ? (
<Breadcrumbs.Link href={}>{item.text}</Breadcrumbs.Link>
) : (
{(item: Breadcrumb) => <Breadcrumbs.Menu.Item>{item.text}</Breadcrumbs.Menu.Item>}

Component States Table

We've promoted ComponentStatesTable from Labs (@workday/canvas-kit-labs/common) to Main (@workday/canvas-kit-react/testing).

🤖 The codemod will handle this change for you automatically.

We've updated the depth value of Menu.Card from 1 to 3. This is a visually breaking change.

We've updated the Modal component to include new touch and responsive behaviors. The responsive Modal will be displayed when users are browsing on screen sizes between 320px and 768px and will have the following visual differences compared to the standard Modal:

  • Padding between the edge of Modal.Card and its contents reduced to 16px (standard: 32px)
  • Border radius of Modal.Card increased to 24px (standard: 8px)
  • Vertical space between Modal.Heading and Modal.Body reduced to 16px (standard: 24px)
  • Modal animates from the bottom center and is aligned near the bottom of the viewport

Additionally, users interacting with Modal on touch will not be able to exit out of the modal by tapping on the overlay.


We've updated all popup CloseIcon and CloseButton to default to type=button. We did this so these close buttons did not submit when a form element is present. Without this change, you have to manually add type="button" to these components if you wrap popup contents in a form element. While this is a very unlikely that a CloseButton was intentionally used as an implicit submit button, it is still a breaking change. This change effects the following components:

  • Popup.CloseIcon
  • Dialog.CloseIcon
  • Modal.CloseIcon
  • Popup.CloseButton
  • Dialog.CloseButton
  • Modal.CloseButton

Loading Animation

LoadingAnimation is being renamed to LoadingDots and is moving from of @workday/canvas-kit-react/loading-animation to @workday/canvas-kit-react/loading-dots. The component has not been modified and you may continue to use this component exactly as you did in v7.

The CSS package has been similarly updated for consistency, but is still in maintenance mode.

🤖 The codemod will handle all these changes automatically:

  • Rename import sources
    • @workday/canvas-kit-react/loading-animation becomes @workday/canvas-kit-react/loading-dots
  • Rename import specifiers and identifiers
    • LoadingAnimation becomes LoadingDots
  • Rename JSX identifiers
    • <LoadingAnimation /> becomes <LoadingDots />
// v7
import {LoadingAnimation} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react/loading-animation';
const MyComponent = (props: MyComponentProps) => {
return <LoadingAnimation />;
const StyledLoadingAnimation = styled(LoadingAnimation)({});
// v8
import {LoadingDots} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react/loading-dots';
const MyComponent = (props: MyComponentProps) => {
return <LoadingDots />;
const StyledLoadingAnimation = styled(LoadingDots)({});

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