
Announcements for Canvas updates, bug fixes, and new releases.

Canvas v11 Release

Canvas v11 will be released on May 22nd, 2024 with updates to Canvas Kit. An upgrade guide will be available once v11 goes live to assist product teams with upgrading to the newest version of Canvas.

The v11 release will include the introduction of color system tokens, the return of CSS, and newly refactored components!

Release Overview

The table below contains a high-level overview of the updates that will be rolled out as part of the v11 release. The impact for developers are defined as follows:

  • None: inapplicable to the role or no actions are required for users to adopt the change; Updates will be applied automatically once users upgrade to Canvas Kit v11
  • Low: minor changes are required for users to adopt the change
  • Medium: a moderate amount of changes are required for users to adopt the change, such as switching out UI elements
  • High: a large amount of changes are required for users to adopt the change, requiring product teams to make major design or development decisions
ChangeShort DescriptionDeveloper Impact
New Color System TokensA new set of semantic color system tokens will be released.None
Updated Depth and Opacity TokensDepth and opacity tokens will be updated to use the new color system tokens.None
New Breakpoint TokensNew breakpoint tokens will be provided to help teams apply responsive styles.None
The Return of Canvas Kit CSSCanvas Kit CSS is making a comeback! As components are restyled in Canvas Kit React, they will be made available in Canvas Kit CSS.High
Table (Preview) Refactor & PromotionThe Table component in Preview will be refactored to use the new cs prop and CSS variables and promoted, replacing the Table in the Main package.High
Icon Components RefactorThe Svg, System Icon, System Icon Circle, Accent Icon, Applet Icon, and Graphic icon components will all be refactored to use the new cs prop and CSS variables.Medium
Form Field (Preview) RefactorForm Field (Preview) will be refactored to use the new cs prop and CSS variables, making it available for use with the current input components in Main.Low
Text Components RefactorText components will be refactored to use the new cs prop and CSS variables.Low
Status Indicator (Preview) Refactor & Model RemovalThe Status Indicator component in Preview will be refactored to use the new cs prop and CSS variables with some minor visual changes. Models used in Status Indicator will also be removed.Low
Button Token UpdatesCanvas Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, and Delete buttons will be updated to use the new color system tokens. Fixes will also be applied that will result in minor visual changes.Low
Checkbox RefactorCheckbox will be refactored to use the new cs prop and CSS variables with some minor visual changes.Low
Radio (Preview) RefactorThe Radio component in Preview will be refactored to use the new cs prop and CSS variables with some minor visual changes.Low
Switch RefactorSwitch will be refactored to use the new cs prop and CSS variables with some minor visual changes.Low
Card RefactorCard will be refactored to use the new cs prop and CSS variables.None
Select RefactorSelect will be refactored to use the new cs prop and CSS variables.None
Count Badge RefactorCount Badge will be refactored to use the new cs prop and CSS variables.None
Component DeprecationsText Input (Preview), Text Area (Preview), Form Field (Main), and Label Text (Main) will all be deprecated in v11.None

New Color System Tokens

Image displaying how diffrent color system tokens can be used to create the Text Input component

Following the release of the restructured Canvas tokens in v10, a new set of color system tokens will be added to the Canvas Tokens Web package. Like the other sets of system tokens released in v10, color system tokens will be semantic to help teams understand how to use and apply these tokens to their product.

Color system tokens will live alongside brand tokens, but with the following distinctions: Brand tokens should only be used when tenant branding is possible / allowed. The color that brand tokens display will be dependent on the tenant configuration. System tokens should be used in cases where tenant branding is not possible / allowed. This prevents tenant configuration from altering the color used in a component. System tokens are designed to make theming (non-tenant branding) easier in the future. We advise using System tokens over Base tokens whenever possible.

Since they are a net-new add, color system tokens will not impact developers. However, teams will begin seeing color system tokens rolled out to Canvas components.

Updated Depth and Opacity Tokens

Depth and opacity system tokens will be updated to use the new color system tokens. Tying color system tokens to depth and opacity tokens will make it easier to roll out color changes to color-dependent Canvas tokens. This update will not impact the actual color rendered for depth and opacity as the color system tokens utilized for this change references the original base color tokens that were being used.

As a result, this will not impact developers.

New Breakpoint System Tokens

New breakpoint system tokens will be available with v11! These tokens will allow developers to have a single source of truth for breakpoints. They’ll also make it easier for teams to apply responsive styles to components, opening the door for more responsive style customizations.

This is a net-new feature so it will not impact developers. However, it is recommended for developers to begin migrating over to use these new breakpoint system tokens instead of the breakpoints in the Emotion theme object from CanvasProvider. More information will be available in the v11 upgrade guide to help developers adopt breakpoint tokens.

The Return of Canvas Kit CSS

Over the past few years, Canvas Kit React has seen major improvements while Canvas Kit CSS development was paused and set into maintenance mode. This was primarily due to the cost of maintaining two implementations of Canvas and trying to keep them in sync. But with the v11 release, Canvas Kit CSS is officially making a comeback and taking center stage!

As Canvas Kit React components are being refactored to use the new styling utilities and CSS tokens, Canvas Kit CSS will also begin building off Canvas Kit React. This allows both Canvas Kit CSS and React to be updated in sync, reducing maintenance costs and improving support for teams running on CSS.

Since v5, Canvas Kit CSS has been in maintenance mode and has not been updated. Teams upgrading to the Canvas Kit CSS v11 should expect major breaking changes that help bring CSS components into alignment with what’s available in Canvas Kit React. Not all components available in previous versions of Canvas Kit CSS will be available for v11. Components will be added to Canvas Kit CSS as they are being refactored in Canvas Kit React. However, consumers can expect new Labs and Preview packages that will align with Canvas Kit React’s offerings.

Table (Preview) Refactor & Promotion

The compound Table component in Preview will be updated to use Canvas Tokens and the new styling utilities. The component will also be modified to support the cs prop. Since the outdated Table component in Main was deprecated in v10, the updated Table component in Preview will also be promoted to replace the one in Main.

Developers will need to update their usage of Table to reflect the new API. More guidance will be provided in the v11 upgrade guides to help developers uptake this change.

Icon Components Refactor

All icons components will be refactored to use the new Canvas tokens and styling utilities. These refactored icon components will now support the cs prop, styles prop will be removed. The following icon components will be updated as part of this work: Svg, System Icon, System Icon Circle, Accent Icon, Applet Icon, and Graphic.

There are no changes to the behavior or functionality of Svg or System Icon Circle. However, the following changes will be made to the remaining icon components:

  • System Icon: SystemIconStyles prop will be deprecated and merged with SystemIconProps in a future version. accentHover, backgroundHover, fillHover, fill, and systemIconStyles will be deprecated.
  • Accent Icon: AccentIconStyles prop will be deprecated and will be merged with AccentIconProps in a future version. accentIconStyles will also be deprecated.
  • Applet Icon: AppletIconStyles prop will be deprecated and merged with AppletIconProps in a future version. appletIconStyles will also be deprecated.
  • Graphic: GraphicStyles prop will be deprecated and merged with GraphicProps in a future version. width and height props will also be deprecated.

A codemod will be available to help developers uptake these changes and more guidance will be provided in the v11 upgrade guide.

Form Field Refactor

The Form Field component in Preview will be refactored to use the new Canvas CSS tokens, styling utilities, and the cs prop. These changes will allow Form Field in Preview to work with the current input components in Main while providing more flexibility.

As part of this refactoring work:

  • The orientation prop will default to vertical and is no longer required
  • FormField.Input will then be compatible with any of our inputs in Main
  • The prop hasError will be renamed to error to accept the values: "error" | "alert" | undefined to provide support for the Text Input and Text Area component in Main. A codemod will be available to rename this prop.

Developers using the Form Field in Main should switch over to using the updated Form Field in Preview. Please note that the Form Field component in Preview does not support the useFieldSet prop that the Form Field in Main does. In order to achieve the same behavior, set the as prop on the Form Field element to fieldset and the as prop of FormField.Label to legend.

Text Components Refactor

Text components will be refactored to use the new styling utilities and tokens. The Text component will longer extend the Box component. However, it will still support Emotion styled and style props. The following text components have not been impacted since they extend the Text component: Title, Heading, Body Text and Subtext. However, the Label Text component has been deprecated.

Developers using Label Text should refer to the Component Deprecations section to learn more about this upcoming change.

Status Indicator Refactor & Model Removal

The Status Indicator component will be refactored to use the new Canvas CSS tokens and styling utilities. Status Indicator will now support the cs prop, but the API will remain unchanged, preserving its behavior and functionality.

However, small visual changes will be made as a result of refactoring Status Indicator to use the new color system tokens. These visual changes will align more closely with what’s available in Figma.

As part of the refactoring work, the following models will be removed in favor of stencil:

  • useStatusIndicatorModel
  • useStatusIndicator
  • statusIndicatorColor
  • useStatusIndicatorIcon

Developers may need to update their visual tests as a result of these changes. An upgrade guide will be provided for v11 to help developers uptake these changes.

Button Token Updates

With the introduction of system color tokens in v11, Canvas buttons will be updated to utilize system color tokens where applicable. Small bug fixes will also be made to ensure alignment between design and code, which will result in small visual changes.

Developers may need to update their visual tests as a result of these changes. An upgrade guide will be provided for v11 to help developers uptake these changes.

Checkbox Refactor

The Checkbox component will be refactored to use the new Canvas CSS tokens and styling utilities. Checkbox will now support the cs prop, but the API will remain unchanged, preserving its behavior and functionality.

However, small visual changes will be made as a result of refactoring Checkbox to use the new color system tokens. These visual changes will align more closely with what’s available in Figma.

Developers may need to update their visual tests as a result of these changes. An upgrade guide will be provided for v11 to help developers uptake these changes.

Radio (Preview) Refactor

The Radio component in Preview will be refactored to use the new Canvas CSS tokens and styling utilities. Radio will now support the cs prop, but the API will remain unchanged, preserving its behavior and functionality.

However, small visual changes will be made as a result of refactoring Radio to use the new color system tokens. These visual changes will align more closely with what’s available in Figma. Additionally, a new inverse focus ring variant has been added to Figma to align with what’s available in code

Developers may need to update their visual tests as a result of these changes. An upgrade guide will be provided for v11 to help developers uptake these changes.

Switch Refactor

The Switch component will be refactored to use the new Canvas CSS tokens and styling utilities. Switch will now support the cs prop, but the API will remain unchanged, preserving its behavior and functionality.

However, small visual changes will be made as a result of refactoring Switch to use the new color system tokens. These visual changes will align more closely with what’s available in Figma.

Developers may need to update their visual tests as a result of these changes. An upgrade guide will be provided for v11 to help developers uptake these changes.

Card Refactor

The Card component will be refactored to use the new Canvas CSS tokens and styling utilities. Card will now support the cs prop, but the API will remain unchanged, preserving its behavior and functionality.

This update will not impact developers.

Select Refactor

The Select component will be refactored to use the new Canvas CSS tokens and styling utilities. The component will support the cs prop, but otherwise the API will remain unchanged. It will behave identically as it did in previous versions.

This update will not impact developers.

Count Badge Refactor

The Count Badge component will be refactored to use the new Canvas CSS tokens and styling utilities. The component will support the cs prop, but otherwise the API will remain unchanged. It will behave identically as it did in previous versions.

This update will not impact developers.

Component Deprecations

The following components will be deprecated as part of the v11 release:

  • Text Input from Preview
  • Text Area from Preview
  • Form Field from Main
  • LabelText from Main

These components will still be available for use in Canvas v11, but deprecation warnings will appear in the code editor when they are in use.

Developers using the deprecated Text Input (Preview), Text Area (Preview), and FormField (Main) components should replace them with the updated Form Field component in Preview, which can now perform the same functionalities as these deprecated components. Teams using LabelText should switch to use the parent Text component or FormField.Label from the Preview package (if using in the context of a form element), which serves the same functionality as LabelText.

Canvas AI Elements Release

New AI elements are now available through Canvas! These elements are meant to be used for AI features and products

Coming soon...

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