Segmented Control

Segmented Control displays different views of the same content.

yarn add @workday/canvas-kit-preview-react
yarn add @workday/canvas-kit-preview-react

Segmented Control (Main) vs. Segmented Control (Preview)

We recommend you use the Segmented Control in the Preview package (@workday/canvas-kit-preview-react) documented here on this page. The Segmented Control in the Main package (@workday/canvas-kit-react) will eventually be replaced with the Segmented Control in the Preview package.

Segmented Control (Main) Documentation


Image of a segmented control with annotation markers describing the anatomy.

  1. Active Button: Only one segment can be active at a time. These mutually exclusive Buttons can appear as icon only, text left, or icon left with text.
  2. Default Buttons: Default control options that can be customized.
  3. Alignment: The Icon Only variant can be arranged horizontally or vertically.

Usage Guidance

  • Only one control option can be selected and active at a time.
  • Once a user selects an option, the results should be displayed immediately.
  • Each Button must clearly identify its purpose. Text variants will already have their labels displayed visually, but tooltips should be used for icon only variants.
  • All the buttons in the group to be the same size regardless of text length. Length of segments is determined by the longest text label.

When to Use

  • Use Segmented Control to switch between alternate views of similar or related content.
  • Use icon-only variant when there is limited space or when the icons are intuitive and easy to understand.

When to Use Something Else

  • Use Tabs to display different, unrelated content.
  • Use Hyperlinks within a paragraph to navigate to another page. See the Button or Hyperlink section of the Buttons and Calls to Action pattern for more information and best practices.
  • Use Checkboxes when the user is able to select multiple values from a predefined list of 7 or less options.
  • Use Multi-select Prompts when the user is able to select multiple values from a predefined list of more than 7 options.
  • Use Radio when the user is able to select a single value from a predefined list of 2 to 7 options that will not alter the page content.
  • Use Single-select Prompts when the user is able to select a single value from a predefined list of more than 7 options that will not alter the page content. Alternatively, Select can also be used when there are 7 to 15 single-select options.

Dos and Don’ts


Labels should be short and succinct. If a label is too long to fit within its segment, consider using an icon- only variant.


Wrap or truncate text


Segmented buttons should have adequate margins from the edge of the viewport or frame. The container shouldn’t reach the edge of the viewport.


Avoid using a segmented control to enable actions, such as adding, removing, or editing content.


Basic Example

SegmentedControl includes a container SegmentedControl component and the following subcomponents: SegmentedControl.List and SegmentedControl.Item.

The example below contains a SegmentedControl with four icon-only buttons. Each button is rendered using a SegmentedControl.Item and is paired with a tooltip describing the button's function. Only one button can be active at a time.

Selected: table

Note that you must provide SegmentedControl.List with an aria-label prop for accessibility reasons.

We strongly discourage including more than four buttons in a single SegmentedControl.


SegmentedControl supports three variations based on whether or not its SegmentedControl.Item components have an icon prop and/or text content: icon-only, text-only, and text-and-icon.

All SegmentedControl.Item components within a given SegmentedControl must be of the same variation.


To render an icon-only SegmentedControl, apply the icon prop to SegmentedControl.Item and do not provide it with text content. Refer to the basic example above for an instance of an icon-only SegmentedControl.

The icon-only variation is the only variation which supports a vertical orientation in addition to the default horizontal orientation. Set the orientation prop of SegmentedControl to vertical to configure the component to render vertically.


To render a text-only SegmentedControl, omit the icon prop from SegmentedControl.Item and provide it with text content.


To render a text-and-icon SegmentedControl, apply the icon prop to SegmentedControl.Item and provide it with text content.


SegmentedControl accepts a size prop which supports the following values:

  • small
  • medium (Default)
  • large





Set the disabled prop of SegmentedControl to disable the entire component including its buttons.

Right-to-Left (RTL)

SegmentedControl supports right-to-left languages when specified in the CanvasProvider theme.

Dynamic Items

SegmentedControl supports a dynamic API where instead of statically providing the JSX for each SegmentedControl.Item, you pass an array of items in the model state and provide a render function to display the items.

Component API


SegmentedControl is a container component that is responsible for creating a and sharing it with its subcomponents using React context. It does not represent a real element.

<SegmentedControl items={[]}>{Child components}</SegmentedControl>

Alternatively, you may pass in a model using the hoisted model pattern.

const model = useSegmentedControlModel({
items: [],
<SegmentedControl model={model}>{Child components}</SegmentedControl>;


Props extend from . If a model is passed, props from SegmentedControlModelConfig are ignored.


Optional model to pass to the component. This will override the default model created for the component. This can be useful if you want to access to the state and events of the model, or if you have nested components of the same type and you need to override the model provided by React Context.

  model: ,
  elemProps: TProps
) => HTML Attributes

Optional hook that receives the model and all props to be applied to the element. If you use this, it is your responsibility to return props, merging as appropriate. For example, returning an empty object will disable all elemProps hooks associated with this component. This allows finer control over a component without creating a new one.


SegmentedControl.List renders under the hood. It is a container for subcomponents.


Layout Component

SegmentedControl.List supports all props from thelayout component.


Props extend from div. Changing the as prop will change the element interface.

children ((item: T) => ReactNode) ReactNode

The cs prop takes in a single value or an array of values. You can pass the CSS class name returned by , or the result of and . If you're extending a component already using cs, you can merge that prop in as well. Any style that is passed to the cs prop will override style props. If you wish to have styles that are overridden by the css prop, or styles added via the styled API, use wherever elemProps is used. If your component needs to also handle style props, use instead.

import {handleCsProp} from '@workday/canvas-kit-styling';
import {mergeStyles} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react/layout';
// ...
// `handleCsProp` handles compat mode with Emotion's runtime APIs. `mergeStyles` has the same
// function signature, but adds support for style props.
return (
{...handleCsProp(elemProps, [
myModifiers({ size: 'medium' }),
myVars({ backgroundColor: 'red' })

Optional override of the default element used by the component. Any valid tag or Component. If you provided a Component, this component should forward the ref using React.forwardRefand spread extra props to a root element.

Note: Not all elements make sense and some elements may cause accessibility issues. Change this value with care.

refReact.Ref<R = div>

Optional ref. If the component represents an element, this ref will be a reference to the real DOM element of the component. If as is set to an element, it will be that element. If as is a component, the reference will be to that component (or element if the component uses React.forwardRef).


Optional model to pass to the component. This will override the default model created for the component. This can be useful if you want to access to the state and events of the model, or if you have nested components of the same type and you need to override the model provided by React Context.

  model: ,
  elemProps: TProps
) => HTML Attributes

Optional hook that receives the model and all props to be applied to the element. If you use this, it is your responsibility to return props, merging as appropriate. For example, returning an empty object will disable all elemProps hooks associated with this component. This allows finer control over a component without creating a new one.


  model: ,
  elemProps: {},
  ref: React.Ref
) => {
  opacity:  number undefined;


SegmentedControl.Item is a button element built on BaseButton. SegmentedControl.Item has a data-id prop to handle onSelect properly.

<SegmentedControl.Item data-id="table">Table</SegmentedControl.Item>

Layout Component

SegmentedControl.Item supports all props from thelayout component.


Props extend from button. Changing the as prop will change the element interface.


Optionally pass index to the item. This should be done if SegmentedControl.Item components were created via a [Array::map]( function. This index will ensure keyboard navigation works even if items are inserted out of order.


The contents of the item. This is text used as the accessible name of the button for screen readers.


The identifier of the item. This identifier will be used in change events and for initialTab. If this property is not provided, it will default to a string representation of the the zero-based index of the item when it was initialized.


Optional id. If not set, it will inherit the ID passed to the SegmentedControl component and append the index at the end. Only set this for advanced cases.


Part of the ARIA specification for buttons. Lets screen readers know which button is active. This should either be true or false. This is automatically set by the component and should only be used in advanced cases.


The icon of the button.

tooltipProps<, 'children'>

Tooltip Props


Override default colors of a button. The default will depend on the button type


There are four button sizes: extraSmall, small, medium, and large. If no size is provided, it will default to medium.


Whether the icon should received filled (colored background layer) or regular styles. Corresponds to toggled in ToolbarIconButton


Button icon positions can either be start or end. If no value is provided, it defaults to start.


If set to true, transform the icon's x-axis to mirror the graphic


The accent color of the SystemIcon. This overrides color.


The accent color of the SystemIcon on hover. This overrides colorHover.


The background color of the SystemIcon.


The background color of the SystemIcon on hover.


The color of the SystemIcon. This defines accent and fill. color may be overwritten by accent and fill.


The hover color of the SystemIcon. This defines accentHover and fillHover. colorHover may be overwritten by accentHover and fillHover.


The fill color of the SystemIcon. This overrides color.


The fill color of the SystemIcon on hover. This overrides colorHover.


If set to true, transform the SVG's x-axis to mirror the graphic


The cs prop takes in a single value or an array of values. You can pass the CSS class name returned by , or the result of and . If you're extending a component already using cs, you can merge that prop in as well. Any style that is passed to the cs prop will override style props. If you wish to have styles that are overridden by the css prop, or styles added via the styled API, use wherever elemProps is used. If your component needs to also handle style props, use instead.

import {handleCsProp} from '@workday/canvas-kit-styling';
import {mergeStyles} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react/layout';
// ...
// `handleCsProp` handles compat mode with Emotion's runtime APIs. `mergeStyles` has the same
// function signature, but adds support for style props.
return (
{...handleCsProp(elemProps, [
myModifiers({ size: 'medium' }),
myVars({ backgroundColor: 'red' })

True if the component should grow to its container's width. False otherwise.


Optional override of the default element used by the component. Any valid tag or Component. If you provided a Component, this component should forward the ref using React.forwardRefand spread extra props to a root element.

Note: Not all elements make sense and some elements may cause accessibility issues. Change this value with care.

refReact.Ref<R = button>

Optional ref. If the component represents an element, this ref will be a reference to the real DOM element of the component. If as is set to an element, it will be that element. If as is a component, the reference will be to that component (or element if the component uses React.forwardRef).


Optional model to pass to the component. This will override the default model created for the component. This can be useful if you want to access to the state and events of the model, or if you have nested components of the same type and you need to override the model provided by React Context.

  model: ,
  elemProps: TProps
) => HTML Attributes

Optional hook that receives the model and all props to be applied to the element. If you use this, it is your responsibility to return props, merging as appropriate. For example, returning an empty object will disable all elemProps hooks associated with this component. This allows finer control over a component without creating a new one.


    model: ,
    elemProps: {
      data-id: string;
      children: ReactNode;
    ref: React.Ref
  ) => {
    id: string;
    aria-pressed: boolean;
    model: ,
    elemProps: {},
    ref: React.Ref
  ) => {
    disabled:  boolean undefined;



useSegmentedControlModel (config: ):


the Basic story is rendered
    • it should pass axe checks
    the Basic story is rendered
      • it should have an element with a role of "group"
      the Basic story is rendered
        • it should have a group element with a aria-label attribute
        the Basic story is rendered
          • it should have button elements inside the "group"
          the Basic story is rendered
            • it should have "aria-pressed=true" for the first button
            the Basic story is rendered
              • it should have "aria-pressed=false" for the second button
              the Basic story is rendered
                • it should have a data-id attribute on the first button
                the Basic story is rendered
                  • it should have a label
                  the Basic story is rendered
                  • the button is hovered
                  • it should open the tooltip
                  the Basic story is rendered
                  • the button is focused
                  • it should open the tooltip
                  the Basic story is rendered
                  • the first button is active and focused
                  • AND THEN the tab key is pressed
                  • it should focus on the second button
                  the Basic story is rendered
                  • the first button is active and focused
                  • AND THEN the tab key is pressed
                  • AND THEN the space key is pressed
                  • it should not have "aria-pressed" on the first button
                  the Basic story is rendered
                  • the first button is active and focused
                  • AND THEN the tab key is pressed
                  • AND THEN the space key is pressed
                  • it should have "aria-pressed=true" on the second button
                  the Basic story is rendered
                  • the first button is active and focused
                  • AND THEN the tab key is pressed
                  • AND THEN the enter key is pressed
                  • it should not have "aria-pressed" on the first button
                  the Basic story is rendered
                  • the first button is active and focused
                  • AND THEN the tab key is pressed
                  • AND THEN the enter key is pressed
                  • it should have "aria-pressed=true" on the second button
                  the Basic story is rendered
                  • the first button is active and focused
                  • AND THEN the tab+shift is pressed
                  • it should focus on the last button
                  the Vertical story is rendered
                    • it should pass axe checks
                    the Vertical story is rendered
                      • it should have an element with a role of "group"
                      the Vertical story is rendered
                        • it should have a group element with a aria-label attribute
                        the Vertical story is rendered
                          • it should have button elements inside the "group"
                          the Vertical story is rendered
                            • it should have "aria-pressed=true" for the first button
                            the Vertical story is rendered
                              • it should have "aria-pressed=false" for the second button
                              the Vertical story is rendered
                                • it should have a data-id attribute on the first button
                                the Vertical story is rendered
                                  • it should have a label
                                  the Vertical story is rendered
                                  • the button is hovered
                                  • it should open the tooltip
                                  the Vertical story is rendered
                                  • the button is focused
                                  • it should open the tooltip
                                  the Vertical story is rendered
                                  • the first button is active and focused
                                  • AND THEN the tab key is pressed
                                  • it should focus on the second button
                                  the Vertical story is rendered
                                  • the first button is active and focused
                                  • AND THEN the tab key is pressed
                                  • AND THEN the space key is pressed
                                  • it should not have "aria-pressed" on the first button
                                  the Vertical story is rendered
                                  • the first button is active and focused
                                  • AND THEN the tab key is pressed
                                  • AND THEN the space key is pressed
                                  • it should have "aria-pressed=true" on the second button
                                  the Vertical story is rendered
                                  • the first button is active and focused
                                  • AND THEN the tab key is pressed
                                  • AND THEN the enter key is pressed
                                  • it should not have "aria-pressed" on the first button
                                  the Vertical story is rendered
                                  • the first button is active and focused
                                  • AND THEN the tab key is pressed
                                  • AND THEN the enter key is pressed
                                  • it should have "aria-pressed=true" on the second button
                                  the Vertical story is rendered
                                  • the first button is active and focused
                                  • AND THEN the tab+shift is pressed
                                  • it should focus on the last button
                                  the Disabled story is rendered
                                    • all buttons should be disabled should have "[aria-pressed]" for all buttons
                                    the Disabled story is rendered
                                      • all buttons should be disabled should have "[disabled]" for all buttons
                                      the Disabled story is rendered
                                      • the disabled button is clicked
                                      • it should not set "[aria-pressed=true]" on the disabled button
                                      the rtl story is rendered
                                      • the first button is active and focused
                                      • AND THEN the tab key is pressed
                                      • it should focus on the second button
                                      the rtl story is rendered
                                      • the first button is active and focused
                                      • AND THEN the tab key is pressed
                                      • AND THEN the space key is pressed
                                      • it should not have "aria-pressed" on the first button
                                      the rtl story is rendered
                                      • the first button is active and focused
                                      • AND THEN the tab key is pressed
                                      • AND THEN the space key is pressed
                                      • it should have "aria-pressed=true" on the second button
                                      the rtl story is rendered
                                      • the first button is active and focused
                                      • AND THEN the tab key is pressed
                                      • AND THEN the enter key is pressed
                                      • it should not have "aria-pressed" on the first button
                                      the rtl story is rendered
                                      • the first button is active and focused
                                      • AND THEN the tab key is pressed
                                      • AND THEN the enter key is pressed
                                      • it should have "aria-pressed=true" on the second button
                                      the rtl story is rendered
                                      • the first button is active and focused
                                      • AND THEN the tab+shift is pressed
                                      • it should focus on the last button
                                      Source: SegmentedControl.spec.ts

                                      Accessibility Guidelines

                                      Keyboard Interaction

                                      Each button in the Segmented Control must have a focus indicator that is highly visible against the background and against the non-focused state. Refer to Accessible Colors for more information.

                                      Segmented Control must support the following keyboard interactions:

                                      • Tab: focus each button element
                                      • Enter or Space: activate focused button element

                                      Screen Reader Interaction

                                      Segmented Control must communicate the following to users:

                                      • The Buttons in the control are related to one another, and part of a group
                                      • The functionality of each Button in the set (E.g. “Day View” or “List View” communicate functionality)
                                      • Which Button in the set is currently selected

                                      Design Annotations Needed

                                      • Accessible name for the group describing the purpose of the Segmented Control
                                      • When using Icon Only Button, an accessible name for each Icon Button in the Segmented Control

                                      Implementation Markup Needed

                                      • An ARIA role=”group” attribute is used for grouping the button elements together, then use an aria-label string to clearly describe the purpose of the segmented control
                                      • Icons used in text buttons may be considered redundant or decorative. Alternative text is most likely unnecessary, and not recommended
                                      • Icon-only buttons must have an aria-label string, and can be paired with an accessible tooltip that displays both on hover and focus
                                      • [Included in component] All buttons are required to have an aria-pressed="false" attribute, except for the currently selected button set to a value of “true”

                                      Content Guidelines

                                      • If the content exceeds the specified max-width, consider making your labels more concise, or use an icon-only variant.
                                      • Text in a segmented control should never truncate or wrap.
                                      • See the Buttons and Calls to Action page in the UI Text section of the Content Style Guide for button language guidelines.
                                      • When writing Tooltips to pair with Segmented Control, refer to the Tooltips section of the Content Style Guide.

                                      Can't Find What You Need?

                                      Check out our FAQ section which may help you find the information you're looking for.

                                      FAQ Section