Form Field

Form Field allows users to wrap input components to make them accessible and adds complementary labels and error messages.

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Usage Guidance

The Form Field is a wrapper component intended to be used with Canvas Kit input components when designing a form to ensure they meet accessibility standards. Inputs collect data from users within a form. It’s important to choose the right input to elicit a response in the format you want. For more information on best practices for designing forms, reference the Forms Pattern documentation.

When to Use

  • Use the Form Field component as a wrapper for most inputs on a form. From a designer perspective, it is not a visible component but something to be aware of when working with developers on a form as the Canvas Kit Form Field should encapsulate input components on a form.
  • Use form fields to ensure forms meet accessibility guidelines.

When to Use Something Else

  • Consider using a Table when presenting and editing sets of repeating data with the same structure.
  • Consider using a Popup or Toast component to display confirmation messages or validate user inputs in the context of a user action.


Basic Example

Form Field should be used in tandem with most Canvas Kit input components to ensure they meet accessibility standards.

Here's an example of Form Field being used with Text Input.

Custom Input id

Form Field will automatically generate an HTML id for its input element to link it to the correponding label. Alternatively, you may set the inputId prop of the Form Field to specify a custom id for the input element.

Grouping Inputs

Set the useFieldset prop of the Form Field to true to indicate that it includes multiple input components. In this case, the Form Field will use the method prescribed by the WAI and render itself using a fieldset and a legend.

useFieldset must be set to true when wrapping a Radio Group since Radio Groups contain multiple Radio Buttons.

Choose your pizza crust


Set the grow prop of the Form Field to true to configure it (including the wrapped input component) to expand to the width of its container.


Set the hintText prop of the Form Field to display a short message below the input component.

This address will be shown as a shipping address option for future orders.

Label Position

Set the labelPosition prop of the Form Field to designate the position of the label relative to the input component. labelPosition accepts the following values:

  • FormField.LabelPosition.Top (Default)
  • FormField.LabelPosition.Left


Set the required prop of the Form Field to true to indicate that the field is required. Labels for required fields are suffixed by a red asterisk.

Error States

Set the error prop of the Form Field to indicate it has an error. error accepts the following values:

  • FormField.ErrorType.Alert
  • FormField.ErrorType.Error

The hintText and hintId props of the Form Field are required if error is defined. Set hintText to the error message you would like to display and hintId to the HTML id you would like to assign to that message (hintId is used to link the error message to its corresponding input element to meet accessibility standards).


Alert: Please enter a valid email.

Set the alertLabel prop of the Form Field to override the default "Alert" prefix of the hint. This is generally only used for translations.

Warning: Please enter a valid email.


Error: Please enter a valid email.

Set the errorLabel prop of the Form Field to override the default "Error" prefix of the hint. This is generally only used for translations.

Issue: Please enter a valid email.

Component API




The position of the FormField label.


The text of the FormField label.


The text of the message displayed below the input component. This is required if error is defined.


The HTML id of the message displayed below the input component. This is required for the aria-describedby accessibility attribute if error and hintText are defined.


The HTML id of the input component. If an id is not specified for the input, this will be used as it's id. This is referenced by the label's htmlFor attribute. This is required for accessiblity if label is defined.


The type of error associated with the FormField (if applicable). This is passed to the input component.


If true, style the FormField label to indicate that it is required.


If true, render the FormField using a fieldset and a legend instead of a div and a label. This must be set to true if you're using a Radio Group inside of a FormField (for accessibility reasons).


The input component wrapped by the FormField.


The label for the error message hint text if hintText and error are defined. This prop should only be used for translating the default string 'Error'.


The label for the alert message hint text if hintText and error are defined. This prop should only be used for translating the default string 'Alert'.


True if the component should grow to its container's width. False otherwise.

Undocumented props are spread to the outermost element rendered by Form Field.


given the Basic story is rendered
    • it should not have any axe errors
    given the Basic story is rendered
    • clicking on the label
    • it should focus the input
    given the 'Alert' story is rendered
      • it should not have any axe errors
      given the 'Alert' story is rendered
        • it should connect the input with the hint text
        given the 'Error' story is rendered
          • it should not have any axe errors
          given the 'Error' story is rendered
            • it should connect the input with the hint text
            given the Required story is rendered
              • it should not have any axe errors
              given the Required story is rendered
                • the input should have a "required" attribute
                Source: FormField.spec.ts

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