Body Text

Body Text provides a simple way to render body-level text with built-in support for Canvas type tokens.

yarn add @workday/canvas-kit-react
yarn add @workday/canvas-kit-react

Usage Guidance

Coming soon!


Basic Example

BodyText is a Type Level component (along with Title, Heading, and Subtext) built on top of Text which provides a simple way to render body-level text according to the Canvas type hierarchy.

BodyText renders a <p> element by default with styles equivalent to type.levels.body[size]. You may override the rendered element using the as prop.

Large Body Text

Medium Body Text

Small Body Text

Custom Styles

Body Text supports custom styling via the cs prop. For more information, check our "How To Customize Styles".

Component API


This component is intended to be used for standard body text. By default, it renders a semantic p element, but you can adjust this as needed with the as prop. It has three sizes: large, medium, and small. Here's a quick reference for font-sizes and weights:

  • large
    • font-size: 20px (1.25rem)
    • font-weight: regular (400)
  • medium
    • font-size: 18px (1.125rem)
    • font-weight: regular (400)
  • small
    • font-size: 16px (1rem)
    • font-weight: regular (400)
import { BodyText } from '@workday/canvas-kit-react/text';
const CustomBodyText = () => (
<BodyText size="small">Body Text</BodyText>

Layout Component

BodyText supports all props from thelayout component.


Props extend from p. Changing the as prop will change the element interface.


Each type level has three sizes: large, medium, and small.

variant 'error' 'hint' 'inverse'

Type variant token names: error, hint or inverse.

<Text variant="error" typeLevel="subtext.large">Error text</Text>

The cs prop takes in a single value or an array of values. You can pass the CSS class name returned by , or the result of and . If you're extending a component already using cs, you can merge that prop in as well. Any style that is passed to the cs prop will override style props. If you wish to have styles that are overridden by the css prop, or styles added via the styled API, use wherever elemProps is used. If your component needs to also handle style props, use instead.

import {handleCsProp} from '@workday/canvas-kit-styling';
import {mergeStyles} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react/layout';
// ...
// `handleCsProp` handles compat mode with Emotion's runtime APIs. `mergeStyles` has the same
// function signature, but adds support for style props.
return (
{...handleCsProp(elemProps, [
myModifiers({ size: 'medium' }),
myVars({ backgroundColor: 'red' })

Optional override of the default element used by the component. Any valid tag or Component. If you provided a Component, this component should forward the ref using React.forwardRefand spread extra props to a root element.

Note: Not all elements make sense and some elements may cause accessibility issues. Change this value with care.

refReact.Ref<R = p>

Optional ref. If the component represents an element, this ref will be a reference to the real DOM element of the component. If as is set to an element, it will be that element. If as is a component, the reference will be to that component (or element if the component uses React.forwardRef).

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