Canvas v11 Upgrade Guide

Upgrade Overview

The table below contains a high-level overview of the updates that will be rolled out as part of the v11 release. The impact for developers are defined as follows:

  • None: inapplicable to the role or no actions are required for users to adopt the change; Updates will be applied automatically once users upgrade to Canvas Kit v11
  • Low: minor changes are required for users to adopt the change
  • Medium: a moderate amount of changes are required for users to adopt the change, such as switching out UI elements
  • High: a large amount of changes are required for users to adopt the change, requiring product teams to make major design or development decisions
ChangeShort DescriptionDeveloper Impact
New Color System TokensA new set of semantic color system tokens will be released.None
Updated Depth and Opacity TokensDepth and opacity tokens will be updated to use the new color system tokens.None
New Breakpoint TokensNew breakpoint tokens will be provided to help teams apply responsive styles.None
The Return of Canvas Kit CSSCanvas Kit CSS is making a comeback! As components are restyled in Canvas Kit React, they will be made available in Canvas Kit CSS.High
Table (Preview) Refactor & PromotionThe Table component in Preview will be refactored to use the new cs prop and CSS variables and promoted, replacing the Table in the Main package.High
Icon Components RefactorThe Svg, System Icon, System Icon Circle, Accent Icon, Applet Icon, and Graphic icon components will all be refactored to use the new cs prop and CSS variables.Medium
Form Field (Preview) RefactorForm Field (Preview) will be refactored to use the new cs prop and CSS variables, making it available for use with the current input components in Main.Low
Text Components RefactorText components will be refactored to use the new cs prop and CSS variables.Low
Status Indicator (Preview) Refactor & Model RemovalThe Status Indicator component in Preview will be refactored to use the new cs prop and CSS variables with some minor visual changes. Models used in Status Indicator will also be removed.Low
Button Token UpdatesCanvas Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, and Delete buttons will be updated to use the new color system tokens. Fixes will also be applied that will result in minor visual changes.Low
Checkbox RefactorCheckbox will be refactored to use the new cs prop and CSS variables with some minor visual changes.Low
Radio (Preview) RefactorThe Radio component in Preview will be refactored to use the new cs prop and CSS variables with some minor visual changes.Low
Switch RefactorSwitch will be refactored to use the new cs prop and CSS variables with some minor visual changes.Low
Card RefactorCard will be refactored to use the new cs prop and CSS variables.None
Select RefactorSelect will be refactored to use the new cs prop and CSS variables.None
Count Badge RefactorCount Badge will be refactored to use the new cs prop and CSS variables.None
Component DeprecationsText Input (Preview), Text Area (Preview), Form Field (Main), and Label Text (Main) will all be deprecated in v11.None

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