
Pagination allows users to navigate through large amounts of content or data divided across multiple pages while making it clear that more pages exist.

yarn add @workday/canvas-kit-react
yarn add @workday/canvas-kit-react


Image of a Pagination component with annotation markers.

  1. Page Numbers: Each page has its own page number. All page numbers inherit styling and interactions from our Icon Only Primary Button Variant.
  2. Navigational Controls: Allow users to navigate through available pages. These controls inherit styling and interactions from our Icon Only Tertiary Button. Previous/Next uses Small Chevron System Icon and First/Last uses Chevron x2 Small System Icon.
  3. Input w/ Label: Shows a box adjacent to the pagination bar where a page can be entered and is submitted when 'Enter' key is pressed. Enables users to jump to specific page. Input uses the Canvas Text Input with browser-specific numeric input override.
  4. Additional Details: Communicates the number of pages and total number of items. Page numbers are separated by an en dash. The word “pages” is customizable.

Pagination is a highly configurable component so we’ve intentionally built each piece of this component separately so you may compose it in a variety of ways.

Usage Guidance

  • Pagination is a highly configurable navigation component composed of the following elements:
    • Page Numbers: Provide context about what page the user is on in relation to other pages.
    • Page Navigation: Navigational controls allow users to navigate back or forward through pages. If applicable, they are also able to jump to the first or last page.
    • Numeric Input: Enables users to jump to a specific page.
    • Label: Communicates the number of pages and total number of items. The word “items” is customizable.
  • Although the component is typically placed below the corresponding content or data, there is flexibility on placement depending on your use case.
  • Pagination is typically used with Tables.
  • In responsive experiences, Pagination condenses to its most basic elements (Left/Right Controls, Current Page Number).

When to Use

  • To divide large quantities of data or content into chunks.
  • To improve the loading performance of a system.
  • To make user comprehension of data/content less overwhelming.
  • To enable all users to navigate to through pages or locate a specific page number.
  • To show how many pages of content there are and how many results have been returned.

Best Practices

  • Display at least one way for users to navigate through pages. If possible, provide more than one option (eg. Previous/Next controls and a Numeric Input).
  • Display the Current Page to provide awareness of location in relation to the other pages.
  • If feasible, display additional details (number of pages and total number of items) to communicate even more context about the content or data the user is paging through.

Each element of Pagination has been built separately so you may compose it in a variety of ways. How you decide to put this component together will likely depend on the reality of the technical constraints that exist and your user needs.

Below are some examples of how you can configure Pagination based on screen size or technical considerations. These recommendations are not exhaustive.

Based on Screen Size:

Screen Size diagrams for Pagination

  • For smaller screens, it’s recommended to show page navigation controls with no more than 3 pages.
  • For larger screens, you can show up to 5 pages, both types of page navigation controls, and a numeric input with additional details.

Based on Technical Considerations:

Technical Considerations for pagination

  • If your API is unable to return a total page number, we recommend showing the Previous/Next page navigation controls, the Current Page Number, and up to 4 other Page Numbers (if possible).
  • If your API is able to return a known number of pages, composability options are endless. You can essentially pair any combination of elements together to create a solution that is best for your use case.


Basic Example

Pagination includes a container Pagination component and a number of subcomponents which can be composed in a variety of ways.

In this example, we set up a basic Pagination component with the default range of five pages, as well as step controls (Pagination.StepToPreviousButton and Pagination.StepToNextButton) that allow you to move to the previous page or the next page.

Note that you must include Pagination.AdditionalDetails to meet accessibility standards (with one exception, see Pagination.AdditionalDetails for more information). It is an aria-live region that announces the current page update to screen readers. If you wish to prevent it from displaying (as we've done in the remaining examples), you may set its shouldHideDetails prop to true. The visually hidden region will still be accessible to screen readers.

Hoisted Model

By default, Pagination will create and use its own model internally. Alternatively, you may configure your own model with usePaginationModel and pass it to Pagination via the model prop. This pattern is referred to as hoisting the model and provides direct access to its state and events outside of the Pagination component.

In this example, we set up external observation of the model state and create an external button to trigger an event to change the current page.

Jump Controls

This example adds jump controls (Pagination.JumpToFirstButton and Pagination.JumpToLastButton) that allow you to skip to the first and last pages in the range.

GoTo Form

This example adds a form (Pagination.GoToForm) that allows you to skip to a specific page within the range.

Right-to-Left (RTL)

Pagination supports right-to-left languages when specified in the CanvasProvider theme.

Custom Range

This example uses a custom range that allows you to control the width of the component.

Responsive Range

In some situations, you might want to adjust Pagination's range based on the width of the container. You can use useResizeObserver to accomplish this as in the example below.

Width: 0px

Component API


Pagination is a container component rendered as a <nav> element that is responsible for creating a PaginationModel and sharing it with its subcomponents using React context.

onPageChange={pageNumber => console.log(pageNumber)}
{Child components}

Alternatively, you may pass in a model using the hoisted model pattern.

const model = usePaginationModel({
lastPage: 100,
initialCurrentPage: 6,
rangeSize: 3,
onPageChange: pageNumber => console.log(pageNumber),
return (
<Pagination aria-label="Pagination" model={model}>
{Child components}

Layout Component

Pagination supports all props from thelayout component.


Props extend from nav. Changing the as prop will change the element interface.

onPageChange(pageNumber: number) => void

Optional override of the default element used by the component. Any valid tag or Component. If you provided a Component, this component should forward the ref using React.forwardRefand spread extra props to a root element.

Note: Not all elements make sense and some elements may cause accessibility issues. Change this value with care.


Optional ref. If the component represents an element, this ref will be a reference to the real DOM element of the component. If as is set to an element, it will be that element. If as is a component, the reference will be to that component (or element if the component uses React.forwardRef).


Pagination.Controls provides proper alignment and spacing between elements inside Pagination. It does not handle any internal business logic or state.

<Pagination.Controls>{Child components}</Pagination.Controls>


Props extend from div. Changing the as prop will change the element interface.


Optional override of the default element used by the component. Any valid tag or Component. If you provided a Component, this component should forward the ref using React.forwardRefand spread extra props to a root element.

Note: Not all elements make sense and some elements may cause accessibility issues. Change this value with care.


Optional ref. If the component represents an element, this ref will be a reference to the real DOM element of the component. If as is set to an element, it will be that element. If as is a component, the reference will be to that component (or element if the component uses React.forwardRef).


Pagination.JumpToFirstButton is a that subscribes to the Pagination context. This allows it to know when to disable and set currentPage to the first page.

Note that you must set aria-label to meet accessibility standards. We recommend setting it to First or the translated equivalent.

<Pagination.JumpToFirstButton aria-label="First" />

Layout Component

Pagination.JumpToFirstButton supports all props from thelayout component.


Props extend from button. Changing the as prop will change the element interface.

variant 'inverse' undefined

The variant of the TertiaryButton.


There are four button sizes: extraSmall, small, medium, and large. If no size is provided, it will default to medium.


Button icon positions can either be start or end. If no value is provided, it defaults to start.


The icon of the TertiaryButton.


If set to true, transform the icon's x-axis to mirror the graphic


If set to true, transform text to all letters uppercase


If set to true, make icon button available to use theme colors instead of default


The fill color of the SystemIcon. This overrides color.


The color of the SystemIcon. This defines accent and fill. color may be overriden by accent and fill.


If set to true, transform the SVG's x-axis to mirror the graphic


The background color of the SystemIcon.


The accent color of the SystemIcon. This overrides color.


The accent color of the SystemIcon on hover. This overrides colorHover.


The background color of the SystemIcon on hover.


The hover color of the SystemIcon. This defines accentHover and fillHover. colorHover may be overriden by accentHover and fillHover.


The fill color of the SystemIcon on hover. This overrides colorHover.


Override default colors of a button. The default will depend on the button type


Whether the icon should received filled (colored background layer) or regular styles. Corresponds to toggled in ToolbarIconButton


True if the component should grow to its container's width. False otherwise.


Optional override of the default element used by the component. Any valid tag or Component. If you provided a Component, this component should forward the ref using React.forwardRefand spread extra props to a root element.

Note: Not all elements make sense and some elements may cause accessibility issues. Change this value with care.


Optional ref. If the component represents an element, this ref will be a reference to the real DOM element of the component. If as is set to an element, it will be that element. If as is a component, the reference will be to that component (or element if the component uses React.forwardRef).


Pagination.StepToPreviousButton is a that renders an icon that subscribes to the Pagination context. This allows it to know when to disable and decrement the currentPage.

Note that you must set aria-label to meet accessibility standards. We recommend setting it to Previous or the translated equivalent.

<Pagination.StepToPreviousButton aria-label="Previous" />

Layout Component

Pagination.StepToPreviousButton supports all props from thelayout component.


Props extend from button. Changing the as prop will change the element interface.

variant 'inverse' undefined

The variant of the TertiaryButton.


There are four button sizes: extraSmall, small, medium, and large. If no size is provided, it will default to medium.


Button icon positions can either be start or end. If no value is provided, it defaults to start.


The icon of the TertiaryButton.


If set to true, transform the icon's x-axis to mirror the graphic


If set to true, transform text to all letters uppercase


If set to true, make icon button available to use theme colors instead of default


The fill color of the SystemIcon. This overrides color.


The color of the SystemIcon. This defines accent and fill. color may be overriden by accent and fill.


If set to true, transform the SVG's x-axis to mirror the graphic


The background color of the SystemIcon.


The accent color of the SystemIcon. This overrides color.


The accent color of the SystemIcon on hover. This overrides colorHover.


The background color of the SystemIcon on hover.


The hover color of the SystemIcon. This defines accentHover and fillHover. colorHover may be overriden by accentHover and fillHover.


The fill color of the SystemIcon on hover. This overrides colorHover.


Override default colors of a button. The default will depend on the button type


Whether the icon should received filled (colored background layer) or regular styles. Corresponds to toggled in ToolbarIconButton


True if the component should grow to its container's width. False otherwise.


Optional override of the default element used by the component. Any valid tag or Component. If you provided a Component, this component should forward the ref using React.forwardRefand spread extra props to a root element.

Note: Not all elements make sense and some elements may cause accessibility issues. Change this value with care.


Optional ref. If the component represents an element, this ref will be a reference to the real DOM element of the component. If as is set to an element, it will be that element. If as is a component, the reference will be to that component (or element if the component uses React.forwardRef).


Pagination.StepToNextButton is a that subscribes to the Pagination context. This allows it to know when to disable and increment the currentPage.

Note that you must set aria-label to meet accessibility standards. We recommend setting it to Next or the translated equivalent.

<Pagination.StepToNextButton aria-label="Next" />

Layout Component

Pagination.StepToNextButton supports all props from thelayout component.


Props extend from button. Changing the as prop will change the element interface.

variant 'inverse' undefined

The variant of the TertiaryButton.


There are four button sizes: extraSmall, small, medium, and large. If no size is provided, it will default to medium.


Button icon positions can either be start or end. If no value is provided, it defaults to start.


The icon of the TertiaryButton.


If set to true, transform the icon's x-axis to mirror the graphic


If set to true, transform text to all letters uppercase


If set to true, make icon button available to use theme colors instead of default


The fill color of the SystemIcon. This overrides color.


The color of the SystemIcon. This defines accent and fill. color may be overriden by accent and fill.


If set to true, transform the SVG's x-axis to mirror the graphic


The background color of the SystemIcon.


The accent color of the SystemIcon. This overrides color.


The accent color of the SystemIcon on hover. This overrides colorHover.


The background color of the SystemIcon on hover.


The hover color of the SystemIcon. This defines accentHover and fillHover. colorHover may be overriden by accentHover and fillHover.


The fill color of the SystemIcon on hover. This overrides colorHover.


Override default colors of a button. The default will depend on the button type


Whether the icon should received filled (colored background layer) or regular styles. Corresponds to toggled in ToolbarIconButton


True if the component should grow to its container's width. False otherwise.


Optional override of the default element used by the component. Any valid tag or Component. If you provided a Component, this component should forward the ref using React.forwardRefand spread extra props to a root element.

Note: Not all elements make sense and some elements may cause accessibility issues. Change this value with care.


Optional ref. If the component represents an element, this ref will be a reference to the real DOM element of the component. If as is set to an element, it will be that element. If as is a component, the reference will be to that component (or element if the component uses React.forwardRef).


Pagination.JumpToLastButton is a that renders an icon that subscribes to the Pagination context. This allows it to know when to disable and set currentPage to the last page.

Note that you must set aria-label to meet accessibility standards. We recommend setting it to Last or the translated equivalent.

<Pagination.JumpToLastButton aria-label="Last" />

Layout Component

Paganation.JumpToLastButton supports all props from thelayout component.


Props extend from button. Changing the as prop will change the element interface.

variant 'inverse' undefined

The variant of the TertiaryButton.


There are four button sizes: extraSmall, small, medium, and large. If no size is provided, it will default to medium.


Button icon positions can either be start or end. If no value is provided, it defaults to start.


The icon of the TertiaryButton.


If set to true, transform the icon's x-axis to mirror the graphic


If set to true, transform text to all letters uppercase


If set to true, make icon button available to use theme colors instead of default


The fill color of the SystemIcon. This overrides color.


The color of the SystemIcon. This defines accent and fill. color may be overriden by accent and fill.


If set to true, transform the SVG's x-axis to mirror the graphic


The background color of the SystemIcon.


The accent color of the SystemIcon. This overrides color.


The accent color of the SystemIcon on hover. This overrides colorHover.


The background color of the SystemIcon on hover.


The hover color of the SystemIcon. This defines accentHover and fillHover. colorHover may be overriden by accentHover and fillHover.


The fill color of the SystemIcon on hover. This overrides colorHover.


Override default colors of a button. The default will depend on the button type


Whether the icon should received filled (colored background layer) or regular styles. Corresponds to toggled in ToolbarIconButton


True if the component should grow to its container's width. False otherwise.


Optional override of the default element used by the component. Any valid tag or Component. If you provided a Component, this component should forward the ref using React.forwardRefand spread extra props to a root element.

Note: Not all elements make sense and some elements may cause accessibility issues. Change this value with care.


Optional ref. If the component represents an element, this ref will be a reference to the real DOM element of the component. If as is set to an element, it will be that element. If as is a component, the reference will be to that component (or element if the component uses React.forwardRef).


Pagination.PageList subscribes to the Pagination context. This allows it generate the range of page numbers. It also handles spacing between the child elements.

This component will accept either child elements or a render prop. In most cases, you'll want to use the render prop so you can access the Pagination model in order to generate the proper list items.

{({state}) => => (
<Pagination.PageListItem key={pageNumber}>
<Pagination.PageButton aria-label={`Page ${pageNumber}`} pageNumber={pageNumber} />

Layout Component

Pagination.PageList supports all props from thelayout component.


Props extend from ol. Changing the as prop will change the element interface.

children(model: ) =>  ReactNode[] ReactNode
flexDirection 'row' 'row-reverse'

sets the direction for the stack


Optional override of the default element used by the component. Any valid tag or Component. If you provided a Component, this component should forward the ref using React.forwardRefand spread extra props to a root element.

Note: Not all elements make sense and some elements may cause accessibility issues. Change this value with care.


Optional ref. If the component represents an element, this ref will be a reference to the real DOM element of the component. If as is set to an element, it will be that element. If as is a component, the reference will be to that component (or element if the component uses React.forwardRef).


Pagination.PageListItem provides a semantic child element for the PageList component and is important for accessibility. It does not handle any internal business logic or state.

<Pagination.PageListItem>{Child element}</Pagination.PageListItem>

Layout Component

Pagination.PageListItem supports all props from thelayout component.


Props extend from li. Changing the as prop will change the element interface.


Optional override of the default element used by the component. Any valid tag or Component. If you provided a Component, this component should forward the ref using React.forwardRefand spread extra props to a root element.

Note: Not all elements make sense and some elements may cause accessibility issues. Change this value with care.


Optional ref. If the component represents an element, this ref will be a reference to the real DOM element of the component. If as is set to an element, it will be that element. If as is a component, the reference will be to that component (or element if the component uses React.forwardRef).


Pagination.PageButton subscribes to the Pagination context. This allows it to update the currentPage and set the toggled styling when it is the current item.

Pagination.PageButton will render pageNumber as its children.

<Pagination.PageButton aria-label="Page 2" pageNumber={2} />

Note that you must set aria-label to meet accessibility standards. We recommend setting it to Page ${pageNumber} or the translated equivalent.


Props extend from button. Changing the as prop will change the element interface.


Optional override of the default element used by the component. Any valid tag or Component. If you provided a Component, this component should forward the ref using React.forwardRefand spread extra props to a root element.

Note: Not all elements make sense and some elements may cause accessibility issues. Change this value with care.


Optional ref. If the component represents an element, this ref will be a reference to the real DOM element of the component. If as is set to an element, it will be that element. If as is a component, the reference will be to that component (or element if the component uses React.forwardRef).


Pagination.GoToForm is a wrapper for a React context provider rendered as a <form> element. Child components such as and subscribe to that context to manage the form state and behavior as well as update the currentPage in the Pagination component.

<Pagination.GoToForm>{Child elements}</Pagination.GoToForm>

Layout Component

supports all props from thelayout component.


Props extend from form. Changing the as prop will change the element interface.

spacing 'xxs'
flexDirection 'row' 'row-reverse'

sets the direction for the stack


Optional override of the default element used by the component. Any valid tag or Component. If you provided a Component, this component should forward the ref using React.forwardRefand spread extra props to a root element.

Note: Not all elements make sense and some elements may cause accessibility issues. Change this value with care.


Optional ref. If the component represents an element, this ref will be a reference to the real DOM element of the component. If as is set to an element, it will be that element. If as is a component, the reference will be to that component (or element if the component uses React.forwardRef).


Pagination.GoToTextInput is a .

<Pagination.GoToTextInput aria-label="Go to page number" />

Note that you must set aria-label to meet accessibility standards. We recommend setting it to Go to page number or the translated equivalent.


Props extend from input. Changing the as prop will change the element interface.


The type of error associated with the TextInput (if applicable).

width number string

The width of the TextInput.


True if the component should grow to its container's width. False otherwise.

value string number

Optional override of the default element used by the component. Any valid tag or Component. If you provided a Component, this component should forward the ref using React.forwardRefand spread extra props to a root element.

Note: Not all elements make sense and some elements may cause accessibility issues. Change this value with care.


Optional ref. If the component represents an element, this ref will be a reference to the real DOM element of the component. If as is set to an element, it will be that element. If as is a component, the reference will be to that component (or element if the component uses React.forwardRef).


Pagination.GoToLabel subscribes to the Pagination context. This allows it to pass the Pagination context to child elements.

This component will accept either child elements or a render prop. In most cases, you'll want to use the render prop so you can access the Pagination model when generating the label text.

<Pagination.GoToLabel>{({state}) => `of ${state.lastPage} pages`}</Pagination.GoToLabel>


Props extend from label. Changing the as prop will change the element interface.

children(model: ) =>  ReactNode ReactNode

Accepts child elements or a render prop.


Optional override of the default element used by the component. Any valid tag or Component. If you provided a Component, this component should forward the ref using React.forwardRefand spread extra props to a root element.

Note: Not all elements make sense and some elements may cause accessibility issues. Change this value with care.


Optional ref. If the component represents an element, this ref will be a reference to the real DOM element of the component. If as is set to an element, it will be that element. If as is a component, the reference will be to that component (or element if the component uses React.forwardRef).


Pagination.AdditionalDetails subscribes to the Pagination context. This allows it to pass the Pagination context to child elements. It is also an aria-live region that announces the current page update to screen readers.

Pagination.AdditionalDetails must be included in your Pagination component to meet accessibility standards (with one exception, see below). If you wish to prevent it from displaying, you may set its shouldHideDetails prop to true. The visually hidden region will still be accessible to screen readers.

If you have multiple Pagination components sharing the same state and rendered on the same page, you may do either of the following to prevent screen readers from announcing the same update multiple times:

  • Exclude Pagination.AdditionalDetails from all but one of the Pagination components. This is the one case where you may exclude Pagination.AdditionalDetails from a Pagination component.
  • Include Pagination.AdditionalDetails in every Pagination component (i.e., you want it to be visible for every component), but set the shouldAnnounceToScreenReader prop to false on all but one of them.

This component will accept either child elements or a render prop. In most cases, you'll want to use the render prop so you can access the Pagination model in order to generate the appropriate text.

{({state}) =>
`${getVisibleResultsMin(state.currentPage, resultCount)}-${getVisibleResultsMax(
)} of ${totalCount} results`

Layout Component

Pagination.AdditionalDetails supports all props from thelayout component.


Props extend from div. Changing the as prop will change the element interface.

children(model: ) =>  ReactNode ReactNode

Optional override of the default element used by the component. Any valid tag or Component. If you provided a Component, this component should forward the ref using React.forwardRefand spread extra props to a root element.

Note: Not all elements make sense and some elements may cause accessibility issues. Change this value with care.


Optional ref. If the component represents an element, this ref will be a reference to the real DOM element of the component. If as is set to an element, it will be that element. If as is a component, the reference will be to that component (or element if the component uses React.forwardRef).


If Pagination was stripped of all its markup, attributes, and styling, what would remain is the model. The model is an object composed of two parts: state which describes the current snapshot in time of the component and events which describes events that can be sent to the model.

By default, Pagination will create a model and share it internally with its subcomponents using React context. You may subscribe to PaginationContext if you wish to create a custom subcomponent for your implementation. Here's a simple example.

import * as React from 'react';
import {Pagination, PaginationContext} from '@workday/canvas-kit-react/pagination';
const CustomButton = (props: React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>) => {
const model = React.useContext(PaginationContext);
const handleClick = (e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement, MouseEvent>) => {
// If onClick is provided, pass the event along
return (
<button onClick={handleClick} {...props}>
Go To Page 10
export const CustomPagination = () => {
return (
<Pagination aria-label="Pagination" lastPage={20}>
<CustomButton aria-label="Page 10" />
{/* Other subcomponents */}

Alternatively, if you need direct access to the model's state and events outside of the Pagination component, you may configure your own model with usePaginationModel and pass it to Pagination via a pattern called hoisting the model.

const model = usePaginationModel({
onPageChange: number => console.log(number),
<Pagination aria-label="Pagination" model={model}>
{/* Child components */}


usePaginationModel accepts a configuration object with the following properties and returns a PaginationModel with state and events properties.


(config: ) => 




This function takes the number of results per page and the total count of results and returns the last page number. Here's an example:

Given there are 10 results per page, and there are 128 total results, the function will return 13.

const lastPage = getLastPage(10, 128); //=> 13
  resultCount: number,
  totalCount: number
) => number



This function takes the pagination range and returns its minimum value. Here's an example:

Given the pagination range is 1-5, the function will return 1.

const range = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const rangeMin = getRangeMin(range); //=> 1
(range: number[]) => number



This function takes the pagination range and returns its maximum value. Here's an example:

Given the pagination range is 1-5, the function will return 5.

const range = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const rangeMin = getRangeMax(range); //=> 5
(range: number[]) => number



This function takes the current page, and number of results per page, and returns the minimum value for that page. Here's an example:

Given there are 10 results per page, and the current page is 5, the function will return 41.

const pageMin = getVisibleResultsMin(5, 10); //=> 41
  currentPage: number,
  resultCount: number
) => number



This function takes the current page, number of results per page, and the total number of results, and returns the maximum value for that page. Here's an example:

Given there are 10 results per page, the current page is 5, and there are 42 results total, the function will return 42.

const currentPage = 5;
const resultCount = 10;
const totalCount = 42;
const pageMax = getVisibleResultsMax(currentPage, resultCount, totalCount); //=> 42
  currentPage: number,
  resultCount: number,
  totalCount: number
) => number

Accessibility Guidelines

  • The actively selected page in the component is conveyed to assistive technology by setting aria-current="page" on the button element.
  • Icon only Primary/Secondary/Tertiary buttons inside the component must have accessible names for assistive technologies. For example: “Next,” “Previous,” “First,” “Last.”
  • Pagination buttons can be focused with the keyboard and actioned with 'Enter' or 'Spacebar' keys. Please note that aria-disabled is used in this component, so buttons with this attribute will not be actionable using 'Enter' or 'Spacebar'.
  • If the browser does not reload a full page of content and change the page title after interacting with pagination, non-visual screen reader users will need to be alerted of the new content revealed on screen. This can be accomplished by setting keyboard focus at the top of the updated content.
  • The additional details variant (X - Y of Z items) is inside of a live region and designed to be announced by assistive technologies in real-time.
  • For more information on colors and contrast, check out our article on Accessible Color.
  • For more information on non-text content, check out our article on Alt-Text and Non-Text Content Labels.

Content Guidelines


  • If customizing the label of the total number of items, use a word that accurately describes the items that are being shown.
  • Placement of the label is flexible.

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